I am glad by recibing your new topics in my email. Thank you. I mus to say that your blog is one of the best I know.I am disappointed by now:I think because of your work you have enough money in order to live with privileges and never be worry about what to eat for tomorrow. That's good. I am working hard to live like that.But.....Because of you way of life, do you have to participate in the derision of AMLO?
Can you let something for the jodidos, the people angry with their goverment?
AMLO is something for them, by now is the only way to express their desperation and fury.
Don't pinch it.Be generosity with your people.
Posted by: SALVADOR RUIZ FIERRO November 22, 2006 11:48 AM
Can you let something for the jodidos, the people angry with their goverment?
AMLO is something for them, by now is the only way to express their desperation and fury.
Don't pinch it.Be generosity with your people.
Posted by: SALVADOR RUIZ FIERRO November 22, 2006 11:48 AM
Thanks a lot for your comments. I appreciate your point of view.
I am very concerned about the fact that there are still millions of people living in poverty in my country. Any sensible person can easily see that this is the highest priority for any government of any party to tackle.
But I really disagree on Andres Manuel's methods. He had the election won and he lost it because of his own actions. He had one of the strongest leads and he missed it because he chose to make a campaign excluding a significant number of people from it. He cannot say that he wants to be a president of all Mexicans by sparking hate between classes. We all should be included in any meaningful effort to transform Mexico.
And now he is choosing to continue with something that is not going to help anybody overcome poverty. He could be the indisputable leader of the second political force in Mexico and he has chosen to be a renegade. He should come and participate with everybody to build a better Mexico. We need him. We need him and the millions of Mexicans behind him to participate. The country has formidable challenges in front of it. If we stay together we have a better chance (perhaps the only chance) to overcome those challenges.
Posted by: Ricardo November 22, 2006 12:17 PM
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